madman101 Sep 13, 2016 10:58
all * mob psychology, law - amer constitutional rights/amendme, legacy, humanity, bb - corporate parasites, birth equality, economics - corporatism, equal protection, all * law / legal / rights, citizens united, free will/ choice /freedom to choose, inalienable rights, political - tyranny, freedom of the press, bb - corporatism - fodder of, free speech, psychology - groupism, bb - corporations are not people, tyranny of the heart
madman101 Jul 03, 2012 23:53
romney - mitt, respect / or lack thereof, psychology - materialism, music - marley bob, venial sins, 70 deadly sins - lies/ lying/ deceit, 70 deadly sins - theft / cooptation, empathy * compassion - and see psych, +++, psychology - envy / jealousy, lies / lying / liar liars, honour, 70 deadly sins - envy / jealousy, genocide, politics - plantation politics, 70 deadly sins - "70 deadly sins", thieves / theft, duel-ism, dyshonour, tyranny of the heart